Patients undergoing a hair transplant procedure should know about hair transplant recovery time properly. Over the past decade, there has been an increased demand for surgical hair restoration. The main reason behind the popularity of hair transplants is their non-invasive nature. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia and sedation to address discomfort.
However, it is crucial to recover and allow the scalp to heal for positive results. There are instances where individuals fail to notice any positive changes because of utter negligence. The recovery time after a hair transplant varies from one patient to another. Knowing about the recovery time will help you to set realistic expectations.
One of the common myths of hair transplant is that hair will grow immediately right after the procedure. Note that it is a long process before you can see any visible results. Therefore, it is crucial for you to be patient and relaxed during this phase.
The 7 Days After Hair Transplant procedure is an important phase. In the first week, your scalp will heal from the surgery. Most patients report that scab formation is pretty common in the first week. These scabs are your body’s response to the small punctures made in your scalp during the surgery. Take utmost care not to scratch the area. Usually, they will fall off within two weeks with the help of right medications.
It is also common to experience swelling and redness in the recipient area. Usually, your surgeon will prescribe painkillers to minimise discomfort. You can also try compressing the area with cold water only if suggested by the doctor. Avoiding strenuous activities and workouts should be your priority in the first week after a hair transplant.
#The hair transplant recovery time is an integral aspect to consider if you want to achieve positive results.
Most patients become impatient after the hair transplant procedure. But note that you can only experience positive outcomes with proper recovery. The second and third weeks after a hair transplant typically involve hair shedding.
The newly transplanted hair will shed during this phase. It is a normal part of a hair transplant and is commonly referred to as shock loss. Moreover, the scabs formed during the first week will heal in the second and third weeks. You can only resume normal activities if your surgeon says so.
The fourth and sixth weeks can be termed as the phase where your hair will grow gradually. If you have followed all the instructions, there are higher chances that you will see the growth of hair follicles. It’s a sign that depicts that the transplant is successful. You should take proper care in the future to increase their density.
There are no risks of complications during this phase. However, it is an absolute must to consult your surgeon at fixed intervals. Try not to miss a single follow-up consultation and check-up after the surgery. During these sessions, your surgeon will help you know more about hair transplant recovery time. They will also observe the progress of hair growth and recommend medications based on the scalp’s condition.
You can only use hair cosmetics after getting approval from your doctor. The application of harsh chemicals present in these cosmetics can affect your hair growth adversely. If your surgeon has recommended any shampoo, continue using it as prescribed.
7 to 12 weeks after a hair transplant surgery, you can notice visible hair growth. It is a phase where you will experience great changes and feel confident. Note that the transplanted hair will grow steadily from weeks 7 to 12 after the surgery.
14 days after hair transplant, you can expect some itchiness after removing the scabs gently.
It is normal to witness drastic improvements in the density of hair. Based on the observation of your doctor, you can also resume the strenuous activities. If there are any upcoming follow-up visits, attend them and get your scalp checked.
Also Read: Hair Transplant Result month by month
One year after a hair transplant in Delhi, the results will be clearly visible. You will notice that the balding areas now have significant density and coverage. However, it is crucial to stick to the after-care instructions of your doctor to witness positive results. If the surgeon has prescribed any specific medicine or shampoo, also try to include it in your daily routine.
A year after hair transplant, you should only use scissors to trim your hair. The surgeon will specifically warn you not to use a clipper or trimmer over the transplanted area. You can trim hair on the donor area whenever you wish. Moreover, you can trim the hair in the donor area even after the transplant.
You can opt for Cysteine treatment for hair to address the brittleness of hair in the donor area. This treatment is also suitable for those who want to nourish their hair after a transplant.
Learning the intricate details about the hair transplant recovery time is integral to experiencing positive results. Proper diet and medications can boost the healing process.
How Many Days After Hair Transplant Will You Look Normal?
It is crucial to have a patient approach after a hair transplant. If you follow the post-operative instructions carefully and follow the surgeon’s advice, you can regrow hair within six months. In this phase, the transplanted hairs begin to take on a natural appearance.
Why Should You Choose the Perfect-i Hair Transplant Procedure?
The Perfect-i hair transplant is a revolutionary hair restoration technique at MedLinks. The main reason behind the popularity of the transplant procedure is that it minimises graft death. Another key highlight of the process is its minimal downtime. You will recover faster after undergoing the Perfect-i hair transplant at MedLinks.
What is the Importance of the Hair Transplant Recovery Time?
The recovery time of a hair transplant procedure allows you to set realistic expectations. Always remember that you cannot regrow hair just a month after a hair transplant procedure. By knowing about the recovery time, you can plan for the future course of action.
Dr. Gaurang Krishna
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Disclaimer:The content published on this website( is meant to spread awareness and educate the concerned patients regarding baldness and hair transplants as well as the treatment options available for baldness and hair transplant treatment in Delhi India. Any information on the website shall not be regarded as a prescription from a professional dermatologist. We recommend visiting a dermatologist in person for the right diagnosis and the treatment for any hair issues. We do not guarantee specific results as the treatments and the results vary from person to person.