Hair Transplant Fundamentals aritistry aesthetics

February 12, 2025

Hair Transplant Artistry & Aesthetics

During any hair transplantation surgery, the follicular units to be transplanted are taken from the back and sides of the scalp (donor area). The donor area of the scalp is genetically resistant to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the hair loss causing hormone. Usually, the donor area consists of around 25% of a person’s total scalp hair, out of which, only 12.5% (half) of the hair can be used for the hair transplant surgery without hair thinning in the region becoming noticeable.

As the donor hair will never be enough to completely replace all the lost hair of a patient, the artistry and experience of a qualified surgeon becomes extremely important for a hair transplant surgery to be successful.

At MedLinks, our highly-skilled surgeons ensure optimal distribution of the limited supply of donor hair in order to cover the balding areas of the scalp in the best possible manner. We provide patients with an aesthetic distribution of follicular units which helps them to get a natural looking hairline.

By undergoing a hair transplant in Delhi  at MedLinks, patients who are even suffering from extensive balding can achieve a more aesthetically pleasing appearance, as our surgeons are experts at adjusting the distribution of the available donor hair in order to help patients achieve the maximum cosmetic benefits.

Our aim is to provide patients with the most natural looking hairline which best matches their personality, and to enhance their appearance by striking the right balance between symmetry and irregularity. We are experts at efficiently restoring the frontal hairline of patients and recreating their hairline to its naturally mature position.

The world-renowned surgeons at MedLinks provide patients with maximum benefits from the procedure at an optimal cost, by creating recipient sites that facilitate hair growth out of the skin at an angle and direction in which they grew prior to the procedure. Besides, our qualified surgeons are also familiar with the hair characteristics of various ethnic groups, which allows them to treat a diverse range of patients effectively.

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Disclaimer:The content published on this website( is meant to spread awareness and educate the concerned patients regarding baldness and hair transplants as well as the treatment options available for baldness and hair transplant treatment in Delhi India. Any information on the website shall not be regarded as a prescription from a professional dermatologist. We recommend visiting a dermatologist in person for the right diagnosis and the treatment for any hair issues. We do not guarantee specific results as the treatments and the results vary from person to person.

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