FUT Hair Transplant Donor Area
February 12, 2025
Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) involves the removal of a thin sliver of tissue (strip incision) from the donor area, which may potentially lead to scarring. With the advent of time, numerous techniques including tumescent anesthesia, undermining, buried sutures, absorbable sutures, staples and trichophytic closures have been developed to minimize the scarring at the donor area during the strip excision procedure.
At MedLinks, we believe that minimizing these scars is an important and critical part of a successful FUT procedure. Strip incision allows our surgeons to efficiently complete large hair transplant sessions while minimizing the risk of follicle damage. Our surgeons are experts at performing the FUT procedure in a manner that it results in only a fine donor scar, which allows patients to keep their hair comparatively shorter after the procedure. This also increases the amount of hair that can be harvested in follow up procedures.
Further more, donor incision healing is dependent on 4 aspects:
The mid part of the permanent zone located in the back and sides of the scalp is considered as the ideal donor area for the FUT procedure. The area starts above the occipital protuberance and extends to either sides of the upward sloping curve, following the scalp contour. Incision placement is of significant importance because:
However, importance of placement may vary with respect to the type of graft.
The length of the incised donor strip is determined by the number of grafts required for the restoration (hair) procedure, while width (height) depends on the patient’s scalp laxity. Here are some reasons that solidify the importance of accurate donor strip dimension:
At Medlinks, our experts have acquired clinical judgments with years of experience. They efficiently determine appropriate length and width of the donor area for minimizing the size of the scar.
A successful FUT procedure requires removal of strip without damaging the tissue. At MedLinks, our surgeons use the below-mentioned techniques:
Tumescent Anesthesia is a popular technique used by our surgeons for attaining a donor strip. It includes injection of diluted concentration of anesthetic fluids into the fat layer of the donor area, and decreases bleeding from the pressure of the fluid on capillaries. The technique also firms the skin, allowing the surgeon to attain complete control over the incising process. The procedure ensures safety to fascia and minimizes the risk of having a stretched scar.
Undermining is referred to as the technique that separates the upper layer of the scalp from the lower portions. It is recommended for patients having a tight scalp or in cases where the donor strip is too wide. It is also useful for patients who have undergone hair transplant procedures earlier in life. Since the technique is prone to a variety of risks, it is important that the procedure is performed only by the best hair transplant surgeons in India.
Using surgical techniques to close the incision is one of the most important steps of a FUT procedure. Some techniques used by the surgeons at Medlinks include:
Using staples to close the incision significantly aids in the conservation of hair. Since the technique uses stainless steel staples, it does not react with body tissues and minimizes the risk of inflammation, while also limiting potential damage to the grafts. This technique also aids in achieving excellent wound edge approximation.
Absorbable sutures like Monocryl have low tissue reactivity. It is absorbed by hydrolysis and ensures minimal damage to the follicles. It assures patient’s comfort and provides complete control on the wound edges. It is an easy-to-go procedure that nourishes convenience.
It is a technique in which the surgeon creates an incision parallel to the hair follicles and trims away 1 to 3 mm of tissue, either from the upper, lower or both wound edges. This technique ensures hair growth through incision and decreases the visibility of the scar.
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Disclaimer:The content published on this website(hairtransplantdelhi.org) is meant to spread awareness and educate the concerned patients regarding baldness and hair transplants as well as the treatment options available for baldness and hair transplant treatment in Delhi India. Any information on the website shall not be regarded as a prescription from a professional dermatologist. We recommend visiting a dermatologist in person for the right diagnosis and the treatment for any hair issues. We do not guarantee specific results as the treatments and the results vary from person to person.