Hair loss, thin hair, baldness, and many more hair-related concerns have an active role in reducing many people's self-esteem. Considering the painful psychosocial distraught experienced by many individuals, they are stepping up to contemplate hair transplant surgery. Hair transplantation has attracted a lot of attention nowadays, but it is important to consider the relative after-effects before going for this cosmetic enhancement. Before going to numerous channels opening shouting out various success stories and visible hair transplant results, you should analyze its effectiveness.
Don’t fall for the hoax claims - by the time you reach the end of this read, you will have a definite decision about the myths or facts about hair transplantation out in the market. SO without any further ado, check down below the five myth-busting facts about hair transplant treatment.
Hair transplantation is a non-surgical procedure, meaning the cosmetic expert will prick and insert the strands of hair on your scalp. This process might cause mild irritation in some people, so before continuing, the concerned aficionado gives local anesthesia and then continues the transplantation. But be assured that you will feel no pain during the entire process or until the anesthesia's effect remains.
Once the anesthetic effect goes away, you will start to feel a slight pain in the areas where the hair transplant procedure was performed. The doctor will generally prescribe you painkillers to cope with the discomfort that will arise after the anesthesia wears off.
Another thing to remember here is that depending on the type of treatment -FUT (follicular unit transplantation) or FUE (follicular unit extraction)- you can also experience certain tightness/stiffness of your scalp. Try talking to the concerned expert about the post-treatment experience and the steps to follow to avoid or reduce such pain/irritation.
Baldness is a very heart rendering situation, especially faced by men. Hair transplants work wonders for people who have minor hair loss problems. But what if you are bald? Is hair transplant viable for bald heads? Yes, hair transplants help showcase an improved result.
Generally, men face baldness in a specific region, and they are left with a horseshoe patch of hairs above their ears. Studies show that hair transplant is suitable for you as long as you have the horseshoe hair region.
The technology advancement has given birth to lots of devices and techniques, making hair care and hair solutions easier. In India, there are several centers that ensure modern treatment and the best option for hair plantation for every individual.
What's more interesting is that with in-depth knowledge provided by the doctors, you can make an informed choice for improving the baldness.
Is your hair falling in huge amounts? Can't find an effective solution? Well, there might still be one choice left for you - the hair transplant treatment. The doctors put new hairs in the affected area through the hair transplantation procedure and wrap it with a bandage to heal.
The results are immediately visible, and in some cases, the changes appear in six months to nearly a year with clearly visible results. However, some patients might notice these newly implanted hairs falling out after 3-4 months - this is completely natural, and there's nothing to be worried about. The doctors will prescribe you the medicines, which will control these unwanted hair losses, so you can maintain the natural hair look for a longer period of time.
If you want lush hair on your head and control the hair loss problem, hair transplantation helps you achieve the result in much less time. So if you are preparing for any function family or official function, hair transplantation is the best option to regain those full-hair looks and improve self-confidence in the process.
Generally, it is said that the hair transplants give you a permanent solution. However, after a successful hair transplant process, you will also notice hair fall after a certain period as a part of the natural hair fall and regrowth cycle.
The main problem is that you can complete the entire hair transplantation (if you have a lot of recipient area) in one session. Only 2500-4000 hairs can be harvested from the donor area, which is then implanted on the recipient area. So you need to consult with your derma expert about the entire process and understand how much time it will take for a complete transformation.
Hair transplantation is experiencing quite an upheaving demand, and the non-surgical process is making it more suitable for many people. You need to know the process of hair transplantation and the methods in which it is achieved. Hair restoration is generally of two types, FUE and FUT, and here are the things you need to know about them to learn which is the best option for you.
FUE Technique - Follicular unit extraction or FUE is a microsurgical method that is performed to restore the natural hair lining. It is done by extracting individual follicles and then grafting them to the problem area. The main criteria for FUE treatment are that the patient needs to have enough donor area for harvesting the hair to restore hair growth in the targeted area. However, you can always go for free or paid consultation before the transplantation to get advice on whether or not FUE is suitable for you.
FUT Technique - Unlike the grafting of one hair follicle at a time, in the FUT technique, a strip of healthy hair skin is surgically removed (generally from the back of the head) and implanted to the concerned area. The stitched area is bandaged and topical medicines are applied to recover in 1-2 weeks.
Both these methods have their difference in results - the primary difference is that FUE doesn’t result in noticeable scarring, whereas the FUT hair transplant results in scars on your scalp. Despite the scarring, the FUT is mostly preferred due to the post-treatment result - more hair growth.
Now that you know about hair transplant facts, drop a mail or call us for consultation.
Dr. Gaurang Krishna
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Disclaimer:The content published on this website( is meant to spread awareness and educate the concerned patients regarding baldness and hair transplants as well as the treatment options available for baldness and hair transplant treatment in Delhi India. Any information on the website shall not be regarded as a prescription from a professional dermatologist. We recommend visiting a dermatologist in person for the right diagnosis and the treatment for any hair issues. We do not guarantee specific results as the treatments and the results vary from person to person.