How Long Does A Hair Transplant Last?

16 June, 2020 | Hair Transplant | Author : Shveta Virmani
How Long Does A Hair Transplant Last?

The permanency of the results of the hair transplant treatment is doubted by many. However, the maximum number of people cherish these results for a lifetime. The procedure includes a careful movement of the hair follicles from the donor site on the scalp. This ensures that the scalp accepts the transplants and hair transplanted blend into the rest of the hair. Each transplanted hair follicle is responsible for developing new hair. This hair goes through the natural growth process just like the other surrounding hairs.

Sometimes people may need more than one hair transplant treatment over time. This happens mostly with pattern baldness patients. Pattern baldness can continue even after the transplant of the hairs in the lost regions and create new bald regions. These regions can also be treated with another iteration of the treatment. However, the likelihood of such a situation is determined by your family history or other personal reasons leading to hair loss. Once transplanted the hairs last for a lifetime and a proper care routine further ensures their good health.

One of the reasons that fuel the apprehensions about the permanency of the treatment results is the shock loss. It is the loss of hair experiences within a few weeks post-surgery. The trauma of the surgery causes this. Despite taking appropriate measures to reduce the impact of trauma, shock loss can happen. It is important to understand that it is temporary and will soon stop letting normal growth of your hair. You will see more than satisfying results as your hairs will grow strong and healthy in a few months. Very rarely, people witness permanent shock loss. This happens only in the cases in which the hair loss has damaged the roots.

In some cases, patients witness significant hair fall post-transplant treatment. Your surgeon will examine the condition and would recommend some supplements and medicines. These are often effective in reinstating the normal hair cycle and promote growth. If the hair loss is continuing even during the treatment (in consultation and preparation phases), you would be advised to put the treatment on hold.

Normally, you may notice some thinning in the transplanted hairs similar to that happens in natural hairs. The plasma therapy can help up to 75 percent or more of the transplanted hairs fully grow back. Hair transplants don't work for everyone. They're mainly used to restore hair in case of balding or thinning naturally or hair loss due to an injury.

Most transplants are done with existing hair, so they're not as effective for treating people with widespread thinning and baldness hair loss due to chemotherapy or thick scalp scars from injuries.

What is a hair transplant?

A hair transplant takes hair and transfers it to an area that doesn't have hair. Common body parts from where the hairs are taken are the back of the head, beard, or chest, etc. The area where follicles are taken is called donor area and the balding area where placed is called recipient area.there are two kinds of hair transplant techniques.

Follicular unit transplantation (FUT)

In the FUT method, also known as follicular unit strip surgery, a piece of your scalp removed, usually from the back of your head. Typically, your surgeon will extract a strip that is between 6 and 10 inches long. However, it is also not uncommon to take a strip that stretches from ear to ear. They close the area where the scalp was removed with stitches. Nearly 2000 small fragments called grafts are drawn from the strip by splitting it. A graft is an extremely small unit and can have even a single hair on it. On the receiving side, tiny holes are made to implant the extracted hairs. This is followed by the grafting process where the hairs into the holes. The site is then properly concealed and bandaged and left for healing.

hair transplant lifespan

 Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Another method is a minimal invasion method and is called the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant. In this procedure in which follicular unit grafts are individually removed from the genetically stronger areas of the scalp called the donor and meticulously restored to the balding area.

It’s OK to Get a Transplant?

In addition to doubting permanency, people also concerned about the safety of the hair transplant procedure. Well, there is no denying that a small amount of risk is there in the procedure. But these risks can be nullified if you choose a certified and experienced professional. The modern and easy-to-use tools make it safer and comfortable.

Just like any other type of surgery, hair transplant also comes with issues like inflammation and infection risks. Inflammation is often observed when the hair starts and mostly fades away with antibiotics. If you feel infection in hair follicles on the treated area, you should consult your surgeon for timely intervention and cure to ensure proper hair growth. Also, you may experience shedding of hair after the procedure. As mentioned earlier, this is called shock loss and calls for no worries or action.

Also, it is ok if you feel a little tenderness on your scalp after the treatment. This tenderness is a result of the making of holes and piercing with the needles during the transplant process. You do not need any extra medication to soothe this effect. The medicines your surgeon prescribed you for inflammation will do the job and dramatically reduce the pain and discomfort.

Which hair transplant technique is better for long-lasting hair?

All hair transplant surgery is safe and long-lasting. However certain trade-offs are there between cost and precision. FUE and FUT both operate on the same principle but the difference of precision and long term scarring of the scalp is present.

hair transplant lifespan

The first method is the FUE or the Follicular Unit Extraction method. It is the most preferred technique that delivers quality results in almost all sorts of baldnesses. The grafts are obtained from the back of the head for implanting on the recipient site.

The second technique for hair transplant is the FUT or Follicular Unit Transplantation. A strip of size, typically about 6 to 10 inches long is taken from the donor area. They close the area where the scalp was removed with stitches. These strips are divided into small grafts and placed in the receiver site.

Also Read: Long Term Hair Transplant Results After 10 Years

Both techniques are effective but which one to choose depends on the level of baldness, availability, and quality of the donor area, the pattern of baldness, personal preference, and cost. The surgeon can provide proper guidance by observing these factors.

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Disclaimer:The content published on this website( is meant to spread awareness and educate the concerned patients regarding baldness and hair transplants as well as the treatment options available for baldness and hair transplant treatment in Delhi India. Any information on the website shall not be regarded as a prescription from a professional dermatologist. We recommend visiting a dermatologist in person for the right diagnosis and the treatment for any hair issues. We do not guarantee specific results as the treatments and the results vary from person to person.

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