"You can have up to 30% loss in hair volume while getting a hair transplant"– All you need to know about the perfect-i modern hair transplant
A hair transplant is a boon to the people suffering from hair loss. It is the most sought time-honored treatment for reinstating your lost hair. The procedure has matured in many ways since its introduction. There have been many technological changes that have brought significant improvements in the final outcome. One such futuristic step is the perfect-i technique developed by renowned the best dermatologist and specialist hair transplant surgeon Dr.Gaurang Krishna at Medlinks.
Traditionally, the hair follicles extracted from a donor site are preserved in special solutions outside the human body. This preservation part of the procedure is crucial to the result of the whole treatment. From chilled saline to more sophisticated solutions with added ATP have been used over the years for the preservation of the grafts. However, some hair follicles are still lost in the process. A six-hour period is considered the golden period. There can be significant follicle loss, up to 30%, during this period. This is where the perfect-i technique proves to be the savior. This technique can save a remarkable number of follicles by instant implantation thereby improving the overall result to a great extent.
• Folli Science : The Science behind your hair follicles
• How Normally used hair transplant technique may cause loss of your hair volume
• What is perfect-i hair transplant surgery?
• What is shock loss?
• Best results always lie in the hands of the practitioner
People who consider to take-up hair transplants first try to know about the procedure and often begin their study from the patient's reviews. Many a time, there are reviews showing dissatisfaction about the results. If you are wondering why some people are not happy with the results of hair transplant despite it being a popular and recommended treatment, here is the answer to your concern.
One of the biggest reasons for disappointing results is the implantation of weathered follicles.
A considerable number of follicles are lost during the preservation process and the follicles survived may also be weathered.
With the constant growth in the field of hair transplant, it is now possible to transplant hundreds and thousands of hair grafts.
While this is a major technical stride, there is a huge increase in the time taken for the procedure. The transplantation can now take up to eight hours. An obvious implication is that the follicles are to be kept outside the body for a longer time, making them prone to damage. This leads to dissatisfaction in results.
Staying outside the body, these follicles are subject to temperature rise and dehydration.
This leads to many kinds of damages to the follicles like a fracture, damage to the bulb, fusion, etc. This loss of follicles is more when in the case of mega sessions for transplanting numerous grafts.
Many studies have shown follicle loss of twenty-five to thirty percent in the golden 6 hour period of preservation. According to research published in the international open-access journal of the American Society of plastic surgeons, only 53% (approx) follicles can survive in a traditional FUE method of transplant.
In the present day and age, the normally used technique for hair transplant is the Follicular Unit Extraction or the FUE technique. Let us understand the technique closely and find out why it needs to be improved.
In the FUE method, follicular units containing nearly four or lesser hair follicles are extracted from the donor area of your scalp.
Unlike strip extraction, this method requires making tiny circular incisions of not more than 1 mm.
These extracted units are prepared and preserved to keep them viable for implant and growth.
Once prepared, these grafts are harvested in your hair deprived areas and secured carefully.
The preservation step is fundamental to the success of the entire procedure. Many follicles are likely to get damaged during perpetuation outside the body.
These are susceptible to warmness and dehydration. Researchers have proved that many follicles are transacted and get damaged.
These transacted follicles have an extremely less probability of growth after implantation. Another reason for disappointing results is the damage caused to the root of the follicles.
In the conventional FUE method, the grafts are held by the roots. No matter how carefully it is done, there are chances of damage. Both these elements of the FUE method may result in the loss of hair volume.
The FUE method was introduced as an improvement to the traditional method in 2002. While the method proved its purpose, it still has many shortcomings. This leads to the need for a more efficient and innovative method of hair transplant.
“In the perfect-i method the graft storage is done only for 10 seconds to 10 minutes and the graft yield is 95 – 100%”. – Dr.Gaurang Krishna (inventor of Perfect-i surgery)
With a comprehensive understanding of the issues with conventional methods leading to loss of hair volume, let us now move ahead to the solution.
A perfect-i hair transplant surgery is an innovative method that ensures the extraction and harvesting of the grafts with no follicular death. This method is the most advanced and sophisticated that is refined to answer all the questions of the FUE method.
During the Perfect-i procedure, the follicles are extracted from the regions and are implanted in real-time.
This immediate placement of the grafts at the hair deprived sites is done within minutes.
The grafts are kept outside the body for more than five minutes which ensures the minimal transaction of the follicles. Also, special care is taken in while implanting the grafts to ensure no damage to the bulge area of the follicle.
For this purpose, the grafts are held by the hairs and not the roots. This is called the feather touch technique which further adds to the viability of the follicles.
Our doctors also make use of technology like robotics and computer assistance to increase the accuracy of the process. A combination of these techniques for extraction and implantation ensure a damage-free hair transplant. Perfect-i offers several advantages over traditional methods.
Apart from maximum follicle survival, it is a faster method, less painful, causes lesser hair shedding and no scarring after the treatment, and shows results three to four months fasters.
In traditional FUE hair transplants, the follicle grafts are extracted from the donor sites using a one-millimeter punch device. The implanting process of the extracted follicles also involves a detailed process. Although surgeons are skilled and try to be as gentle on your scalp as possible, these procedures can impact the surrounding hair follicles. The trauma caused by extraction and implantation causes these impacted hairs to fall out someday or weeks after the procedure. This is referred to as shock loss. This loss of hair is temporary and the loss is reinstated in due course of time.
Perfect-i is an advanced procedure that is carried out with more sophisticated and superior instruments. These instruments cause much lesser harm to your scalp during both extraction and implantation processes. This considerably reduces the chances of shock loss. One of the major reasons for reduced shock loss in a perfect-i method is a decrease in the loss of follicles. As the preservation phase is reduced to a few minutes, every graft that is extracted is transplanted. This shrinks the number of grafts needed to be taken for a particular area. The reduced surgery time also contributes to reducing shock loss. Longer procedures exert more strain both on the surgeon and on the patient. When the removal and insertion of grafts are done for a prolonged duration, it puts more stress on your scalp. But, with the perfect-i technique, the duration is considerably reduced resulting in a lesser possibility of shock loss.
Wondering how you can guarantee a successful treatment for hair loss? Irrespective of the type of surgery, the results depend on the surgeon performing the surgery.
Like any other surgery, hair transplant is also associated with minor complications or may result in less than expected outcomes. You should make a thorough research before putting your trust in any practitioner. Look into the experience and success rate of the surgeon. Hair loss can be of different types.
Ensure that you evaluate the surgeon based on cases that have similar issues like that of yours. Try to contact the already treated patients about their experience with a particular doctor and the clinic. Visit the clinic personally and ensure that it has all the latest equipment needed and the doctor is well-versed in working with them.
The Medlinks clinic is among the best hair transplant clinics in Delhi providing a comprehensive solution to all sorts of hair loss problems. Our practitioners follow a step-by-step approach to the solution.
We begin with medication for minor hair loss and provide surgical treatments for severe hair loss. We have the most advanced technology installed with our doctors very-well acquainted with them.
You will get a comfortable experience and life-transforming results with us.
Dr. Gaurang Krishna
Copyright © 2025 Medlinks. All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer:The content published on this website(hairtransplantdelhi.org) is meant to spread awareness and educate the concerned patients regarding baldness and hair transplants as well as the treatment options available for baldness and hair transplant treatment in Delhi India. Any information on the website shall not be regarded as a prescription from a professional dermatologist. We recommend visiting a dermatologist in person for the right diagnosis and the treatment for any hair issues. We do not guarantee specific results as the treatments and the results vary from person to person.